2013年9月20日 星期五

Picky Nicky繪本教學

繪本Picky Nicky這本書大意:Picky Nicky does not eat anything but spaghetti! Her parents tried to talk her into eating healthy peas, carrots and pears. Nicky says no to all the fruits. How are Nicky’s parents going to convince her?
我帶小朋友了解餐桌禮儀(Table manners)


再來是帶小朋友認識食物金字塔 (The Food Pyramid)
「食物金字塔」裡有 6大食物群,讓我們的身體有均衡的養分,一起來做個簡單的分類吧!

這個是跟小朋友說明食物分類的圖,其實在之前有上網google the Food Pyramid,其實如果要細分食物的分類時在是很多很複雜,我擔心小朋友會看不懂,所以就將食物金字塔簡化了,讓小朋友有基本的概念就好
這本Picky Nicky中,還有許多好玩的押韻字,如 I would rather eat bees and parrots than peas and carrots!  I would rather eat apes and bears than grapes and pears. 哈~ 就大人的眼中看來Nicky挑食所說的話毫無邏輯可言,不過孩子不就這樣嗎? 我在課堂上,會跟小朋友說明挑食的嚴重性,最簡易的方式就是會消化不良,肚子痛痛,原來是挑食不吃青菜的結果就是便秘,便便卡在肚子裡出不來啦!請Nicky多吃青菜就可以去poo poo,我的教室後面就是廁所,所以有小朋友很好笑地說要幫Nicky擦屁股,於是我就順便教如廁用語囉! ex, Nicky, are you OK? May I help you?
Flush the toilet

